11. April 2020 · Comments Off on Improving Weather This Weekend Then Rainy Monday · Categories: spring, weather discussion
Red Flag Warning Saturday April 11, 2020

Most areas had wind gust in the upper 30’s or low 40’s yesterday. Stewartsville recorded a gust to 40 mph.

The winds will let up a little today but it will still be breezy. The winds combined with relatively dry conditions will continue our Red Flag warning for today. Please do not light any fires today. The swirling winds can easily make them get out of control.

Regarding the freeze warning early this morning, Stewartsville only dropped to 35 but as you can see in the map above many northern sections went into the upper 20’s.

Saturday high temperatures

Tonight shouldn’t be nearly as cold as last night but still chilly. Saturday’s high temperatures will continue about 5 degrees below normal but warmer than yesterdays.

Easter Sunday high temperature forecast

Easter Sunday is the pick of the weekend. Not only should the winds be lighter, but we will have warmer temperatures into the mid and perhaps upper 60’s. The only downside, besides not able to physically go to church, is there will be more clouds than sun. This is in response to our next weather maker which will give us a pretty good soaking Sunday night into most of Monday.

Rain forecast for Monday

Most areas late Sunday night into Monday should pick up 1-1.5″ of new rain. Luckily as most trees and vegetation is tarting to come to life, most of this should be absorbed into the ground with minimal flood threat.

Minimal severe weather threat for Sunday into Monday

As the warmer air arrives along with the precipitation, there is a chance for or rumble or two of thunder Sunday night into Monday. As you can see in the map above this will be more pronounced further to our south and west.

Looking ahead to next week and beyond, unfortunately our cool weather looks to prevail. There may be a day or two or near to above normal temperatures as weather systems move into and through our area. But overall April’s second half is trending cooler. This is unfortunate as everyone wants to get outside to avoid cabin fever.

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